May Midi for you! This was a tricky little themeset that was quite difficult to make a grid for; all things considered, really happy with how this turned out.
Wow, fifty puzzles! I think. I feel like I messed up the count somewhere along the way. Well, now it seems I should have some grand announcement or insightful reflection here! But nope, this is just a wacky, "loose" themeless to round out September. Coming soon, though, I promise I'm going to write that essay about crossword puzzles as craft. OK, enjoy! PDF Puz Fullscreen Update: 31-Across is soliciting donations! If you're in the area, please consider sending some money their way.
Getting a puzzle on the blog before the end of October! Realized I couldn't post it tomorrow, as there's nothing ~spooky~ about it. Unless you're afraid of themelesses with mild grid art! I really like a themeless grid that looks interesting, even though that can make it hard to fill: this is a fun 66-worder I've returned to a few times! Enjoy! PDF Puz Fullscreen
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